Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oliver Herring

Okay now I have reached my limit...I really have a hard time understanding art like this. I don't mean to be disrespect the man or any other abstract/modern artist, but sometimes I just feel that these artists are full of it. I would be interested in seeing some other work of his. I guess in a way it reminds me of the Gatorade commercials with the colored sweat dripping from the athletes.

Saed Meshki

When I was thinking about my Yellowstone idea I was thinking of a style very similar to this…kind of incorporating my images with a watercolor or burned overlay to it. I think it gives a creative look to an image. His works gives the feel of being organic...Very nice!

Reza Abedini

His graphic design is amazing. I love the way the farsi language looks, its really an art form all on its own. I also am amazed we had a student that spoke the language...very cool.

Arturo Herrera

I think his images are beautiful when displayed together, I think it works better as a group rather than stand alone pieces. I want to know how he discovered this technique. I think photographers that are fortunate enough to learn darkroom techniques have a better understanding of photography and are ultimately more creative.

Tom Scott

I really like close-up photography and this kind of work is exactly what I was thinking when I said patterns and textures. The world becomes very different when looking with such detail. Although, his photographs are beautiful I question whether setting up your photos is fair. To me, I guess, finding nature as it is found is more extraordinary. I think I have finally, discovered a good book idea and now can relax a bit.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Shot Down!!!

Ok...so I will be re-thinking my book idea. 80 pages seem like a lot!! Especially for someone who's life is not too exciting! I have no journal; I do not save letters, cards or ticket stubs. Man! I really am quite a boring person...and now that I have typed this… those words just sit right there in that bright white box making me feel even more pathetic. I think I will work on the other art book, I think I am more inspired by that assignment.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My book will be on my week trip to Yellowstone. It was one of the best trips I have been on in my life! Yellowstone is like no other place on earth and at times I wondered if I was even still on earth. I tried to capture the feeling of Yellowstone, although my photos are only a slight impression of what I really saw. My skills as a photographer are still limited and these images, for me still don't reflect what I actually experienced there that week.
Along with my images I plan on placing text more as an added visual element than actual substance.