My family and I headed downtown Sunday afternoon to experience the art walk in Little Italy. There were tons of artist booths set up. Even the art galleries were open for the public to walk on in. I saw a lot of talented artists. I noticed a lot of the photographers would mount their pics under Plexiglas somehow. It really gave the photographs an extra "pop", as Deb would say. I would like to know how they were able to mount the photo to the glass, I would have thought the adhesive would have bubbled or worse ran the colors of the photo. My mother really liked the ceramic fruit by Kent Conklin, which is a high complement since she is not a knickknack type person. It was the cherry she liked best, I think I will put it on layaway and give it for an X-Mas gift this year. There were a couple of photographers that took pictures of nature in an abstract way, which is what I like to do. I found one of the artists website but I lost the business card from the other. John Villinski took close up cactus pictures and the other artist focused on tree bark. Anyway we had a nice time even though it was 98 degrees outside.